#78: Over-Exercising, Orthorexia, and the Mental Toll of Restriction

The Full Plate Podcast with Abbie Attwood, MS - A podcast by Abbie Attwood - Mondays

We're back with another episode in our Untold Stories series. That's what these client interviews feel like -- stories from "normal" folks (AKA: not celebrities, influencers, or "experts") who have been there, and who are still in the thick of it. We're all navigating the messiness of our healing, and bringing folks on this podcast who I know will make you feel seen and heard is so important to me. My client, Amy, joins the pod today. Amy's awesome, so don't miss this! We go from Weight Watchers to Paleo in this episode, and cover all the ways dieting and over-exercising wreak havoc on our health.  Topics covered include... The Food Network and disordered eating How clothing shopping triggered Amy's first diet Going to Weight Watchers as a child with her mother ROTC in college and her entry-point into obsessive exercising Diving into Paleo and Keto for "health" and "athletic performance" The mental toll of dieting Realizing dieting doesn't "work" How the pandemic was the spark she needed to divest from diet culture Rediscovering joyful movement Receiving a Diabetes diagnosis while transitioning away from dieting Navigating medical weight stigma and speaking up at the doctor's office Body neutrality versus body positivity   SUPPORT THE SHOW: Full Plate is listener-supported (no ads!) so please support the show on Patreon for bonus episodes at Patreon.com/fullplate   TRANSCRIPTS: Patreon is also home to the episode transcripts (which are publicly available to everyone, not just our patrons!). If you’re looking for those, head over to Patreon.    FOLLOW ALONG: Find the show on Instagram: @fullplate.podcast  Find Abbie on Instagram: @abbieattwoodwellness   MORE SUPPORT: Looking for more support and concrete steps to take to heal your relationship with food and your body? Apply for Abbie's next 10-week group program: https://www.abbieattwoodwellness.com/group-coaching Already been at this anti-diet culture thing for a while, but want community and continued learning? Apple for Abbie's monthly membership: https://www.abbieattwoodwellness.com/circle-monthly-group    Podcast Cover Photography by Anya McInroy Podcast Editing by Brian Walters This podcast is ad-free and support comes from our Patrons on Patreon: Patreon.com/fullplate