Out of the Frying Pan

Gola: Italian Food & Beverage Culture - A podcast by Parlegari


New season same golose! In the first episode of the BRAND NEW SEASON of Gola Katie and Danielle think about how hot this summer was in Italy, and what it means for the future of food, beverage & travel on the peninsula. Climate change is changing everything about how and when we consume, so how can we be more conscientious as we continue to enjoy our favorite culture? Don't forget to become a Patron at patreon.com/golapod to have early access to Gola events and collaborations, get Gola news before anyone else, and enjoy even more exciting benefits as you move up the tiers! And follow your two favorite golose @drcallegariscabinet & @katieparla & at their dedicated podcast handle @gola_podcast to watch them eating and drinking their way through Italy and beyond!