Episode 229: David Nurse: How to Identify Your Action Archetypes

Habits and Hustle - A podcast by Jen Cohen and Habit Nest


What we discuss: 00:34: About David 03:06: What is an action archetype? 05:11: Can we fit into more than one archetype? 07:43: How can you overcome fear? 09:11: How can being a comedian help you overcome fear? 10:41: What is the burn archetype? 12:14: What happens if you don’t become aware of your past burns? 13:56: What do your pressure points say about your emotions? 16:18: What is the inopportune archetype? 18:19: How can you get over this inopportune feeling? 20:44: What is self-efficacy? 26:22: How did David become a coach? 29:05: What does it take to be an NBA coach? 39:32: What role does ego play in people giving you a chance? 42:12: Which players did David work with? 45:38: How much do coaches in the NBA make? 48:36: Did David’s uncle help him get involved with the Raptors? 51:50: What is the perfectionist archetype? 53:45: How can you get over perfectionism? 01:03:10: Where can you learn more about David? Key Takeaways: When we fail to take action, it’s usually due to some type of fear that is holding us back. David Nurse explains how we classify these types of fears by something he calls “action archetypes”. Some of us fall into the perfectionist archetype, where we don’t take action unless we feel everything is perfect. Other people fall into the inopportune archetype, where we feel like we can’t take action because it’s not the right time and/or right conditions. Whichever archetype you fall into, it’s crucial to become aware of it so you can get yourself out of it and start taking action. To overcome fear, you need to look at yourself from a different point of view other than the one where you have access to your internal thoughts. David’s advice is to look at yourself as a comedy show. What he means here is to take a step back when you’re experiencing fear to observe yourself. Go from being the actor in the comedy show to being the viewer. When you do this, don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself. This will help you put in perspective how your fears may be irrational and that you’re capable of getting through them.  It’s great to have confidence in yourself and a high level of self-esteem, but it’s not enough to have one or the other. What you need is to have both of these traits and then combine them with action. It’s through having high levels of confidence, and self-esteem, and taking action that you develop self-efficacy. Thank you to our sponsors: This episode is sponsored by Hostinger. Visit Hostinger.com/HABITS and use promo code HABITS for an extra 10% off. This episode is sponsored by Everyplate. Visit everyplate.com/podcast and use code HUSTLE149 and get a special price of $1.49 per meal to get started This episode is sponsored by LMNT. Visit drinklmnt.com/habitsandhustle and get a free sample pack with any order. This episode is sponsored by Organifi. Visit organifi.com/hustle and use the code HUSTLE to save 20% on your order  To learn more about David: Website: https://www.davidnurse.com/ Book: Do It: The Life-Changing Power of Taking Action  Instagram: @davidnursenba My links: Website: https://www.jennifercohen.com/ Instagram: @therealjencohen