Your Hormone Toolkit - Testosterone and Endurance Training Pt. 2

Holistic Alpha - A podcast by Steven Mathis

Two main issues come up with our hormones: 1) Excess stress hormones  2) Insufficient or fatigued hormonal production.In this episode we cover a hormonal checklist in 4 main areas: Nutrition, Lifestyle, Training, and Supplementation.Use this checklist as a starting point and figure out which 1-3 things you can focus on and improve first. This is a great episode to refer back to when you need a refresher or when hormonal issues come up. Also look around in the archive that dive into more detail on some of these topics.I can help you unleash your power and optimize your hormones. I will call you for free and we'll strategize about how you can maximize your wellness and power in your unique circumstances. Text me at 801-742-1439 and we can chat today or tomorrow. Or to view my calendar and book a call go to