Ep. 71 - Powerlifting & Strength Training in the Internet Age (ft. Jonnie Candito & Russel Orhii)
Iron Culture - A podcast by Eric Helms & Eric Trexler
It is time to talk about the new old school in powerlifting. We aren't referring to Larry Pacifico, Don Reinhoudt, or Ed Coan. We're talking about the rise of drug-tested powerlifting in the last decade with two of the biggest voices leading the way, Jonnie Candito and Russel Orhii. The number of participants in the IPF (and USAPL) has grown immensely over the last decade in no small part due to individuals being able to share their journey online. Jonnie Candito (of CanditoTrainingHQ) pioneered the informative strength video on YouTube, leading to many of his contemporaries trying out powerlifting. This in turned inspired individuals like Russel Orhii to get into powerlifting. Russel is one of the most popular powerlifters today with his 2019 IPF Championship win accumulating more views than any other IPF related video. What has led to this explosive growth? Why are squats suddenly cool? And is there any point in training other than getting ridiculously aesthetic? The hosts find out in today's episode.