Encourage Kids To Take Care Of Their Health | Ep 58

Kids health secrets - A podcast by Bar Aizik


7 things  that will keep your child from getting on board with healthy living or losing weight and how to approach it differently: Trying to convince your child why it's important! It's not only about the child who needs to lose weight, it's about the entire family change. Singling out or expecting the child to do things you or others are not doing is unfair. Your child may believe that they can't do it if you are inconsistent in the changes you start making at home; whenever you stop, they will think they have failed. Putting a child on a diet that they won't be able to maintain long-term! In your efforts to get your child healthy, you can't become emotionally involved. Try new foods, and invite them to exercise with you. The more you worry about your child's response, the more stressed your child will be. It's not about losing weight, it's about losing bad habits. Short-term goals that make your child feel like they are failing _______________________________________________________   You are not alone!!! join our FREE Facebook support group now: Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverweightKids/ Or search on FB: Overweight Kids & Childhood Obesity - Weight Loss Support