Narcissists Seek Out Empathic Others: Here's Why

Lisa A Romano Breakdown to Breakthroughs - A podcast by Lisa A. Romano - Mondays


If you've ever found yourself in the throws of a toxic relationship, you know all too well how charismatic a narcissistic can be, and how attentive their actions seem when first meeting them. This behavior, however, is a lure, which eventually devolves into a life of feeling dazed, confused, anxious, and full of self doubt. Narcissistic abuse takes on various shades and many flavors, however, generally, narcissists play by the same rule book and the more you identify the patterns before you jump into relationships, the better able you will be to avoid potentially soul-sucking dynamics! Lisa A. Romano, cuts through the mumbo jumbo and psychological jargon, so that the one experiencing emotional manipulation, is able to get a clearer grasp on what is happening in their life, thus, allowing one to detach from the thunderous emotions of such abuse with a higher degree of mental clarity. As Lisa says often, 'you can't fix a hole in the wall you can't see'. Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.  12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening) 8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating) Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego) To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here; Contact Website Spotify Award Winning Books  Facebook Support Group