Overcoming Loneliness and Lack of Belonging: Spiritual and Scientific Solutions

Lisa A Romano Breakdown to Breakthroughs - A podcast by Lisa A. Romano - Mondays


Overcoming loneliness and the lack of belonging is a worthwhile journey as humans who were designed for socialization and community, yet, many struggle to feel as one with and connected to others as they'd like to be. Often, many of our internal battles manifest as the experiences we encounter with others. The inner dialogue with have with the self, that streams 24 hours a day, and even while we sleep can be riddled with fear of rejection, abandonment, and worries over potential painful outcomes, all which diminish one's ability to develop authentic bonds with others.  On the quest to overcome loneliness, it is essential to push past the survival thinking inner critic and mindfully adopt and cultivate self-compassion, amongst other practical strategies, if it is our desire to create the peace in our relationships with others, the universe and, most importantly, the many selves within us that make up our complex personality.  Healing the inner child facet of self, is one step toward self actualization and mindful integration with the authentic, divine higher self.  Ready to do the inner work necessary to live a life of meaning, contentment, peace of mind, passion, balance and purpose? Embark on the path to conscious awakening, emotional healing, and transformation with Lisa's Conscious Healing Academy, which includes a 3 tier coaching system that assists with one's awakening, emotional intelligence, and mental and emotional mastery.  12 Week Breakthrough Program (Level One - The Awakening) 8 Week Master Your Reality (Level 2 -- Deliberate Creating) Soul School - (Level Three -- Ascending Ego) To learn more, contact Lisa and her team members here; Contact Website Spotify Award Winning Books  Facebook Support Group