MTB News: Beyoncé! Tom Brady, the Pamela Anderson Documentary, & the Deinfluencing Trend Taking Over TikTok

Making the Brand | Marketing with a Pop Culture Twist - A podcast by Brianne Fleming


Welcome to my new segment, MTB News! These short and informative episodes are the perfect way to stay sharp on industry innovations and trending pop culture news. Today's topics 🔥 Beyoncé's record-breaking GRAMMY wins Will Ticketmaster flop again trying to meet the demand for Beyoncé tickets? Tom Brady's retirement announcement  Pamela Anderson's eye-opening Netflix documentary A new social media trend you'll love: "Deinfluencing" This segment features perspectives from other marketers who participate in my weekly Twitter chat called #PopChat. To get in on the conversation, join #PopChat on Twitter every Friday at 1pm ET by following @brianne2k. For marketing and pop culture lessons sent straight to your inbox, subscribe to my newsletter here! 💌