Why we allow other people to dictate how we feel about ourselves

Mental Makeover - A podcast by Lauren Curtis

Whether it be our appearance, our personality or our success, most of us have a core set of beliefs about the person we are, and whether that person is 'good enough' or not. I've struggled with self worth and self doubt for as long as I can remember, to the point where I came to the conclusion that I was just an overly critical person (of myself). But recently, I've been paying close attention to what actually TRIGGERS those beliefs. Why does doing that particular thing make me feel that way? Surely I couldn't have been born with all of these insecurities, so where did they come from? WHO did they come from? How many times did I have to be exposed to whatever created the self-doubt in order for me to believe it and hold on to it? This episode is a deep dive into why we allow other people/society/brands to dictate the way we feel about ourselves (often unknowingly), and how we can do our best to prevent it from happening in the future. If you enjoyed this episode or the podcast in general, please give it a rating and/or review and subscribe if you haven't already! Thank you so much *hug* X