Brad Dixon - being a holistic human

Mikkipedia - A podcast by Mikki Williden

This week on the podcast Mikki speaks to physiotherapist, coach and plant-based advocate Brad Dixon about his philosophy on wellness. They discuss his background in triathlon and physiotherapy, how his family history with his father and uncle forced Brad to think beyond the medical model when it came to health and how his thinking has evolved over the last 10 years to where he now coaches and practices with a broader understanding of health. They discuss functional strength training, navigating being a parent and a role model, Brad’s philosophy’s on nutrition and how he’s evolved his thinking in that space, and how small habits can make big differences. A wide-reaching conversation with a lot of take homes in this conversation.  Brad Dixon is a sports physiotherapist, coach, writer, and wellness evangelist based at EVERFIT Physio & Coaching. His passion is helping people strive for their potential with promotion of enhancing daily habits. The power is in your hands! Brad's interest in a whole food plant based lifestyle started when his uncle was diagnosed with bowel cancer and started emailing and blogging about lifestyle links to disease. This started his transitioning in 2014 to move along the spectrum to a plant based lifestyle firstly for performance and health, and then looking more widely at the environment. "I'm a big believer in walking my talk! I eat a predominantly whole food plant based diet, meditate, have cold showers,complete functional strength work and yoga daily, while blending my swimming, and running with my EVERFIT physiotherapy business, family life, and writing for the Trail runner magazine. I wanted to put my 100 WELLNESS articles in one place - so wrote a book 'Holistic human'. Having a purpose driven life, while being authentic with roles is crucial to maintaining joy."Connect with Brad at, and on Facebook, Strava, and Instagram (everfitcoach)Brad’s book  Contact Mikki: 20% on all Nuzest Products WORLDWIDE with the code MIKKI at, or www.nuzest.comCurranz supplement: MIKKI saves you 25% at or off your first order