Mini Mikkipedia - on my mind this week

Mikkipedia - A podcast by Mikki Williden

People say that age is just a number. And I agree - it's how you live your life that determines how young or old you are. Part of that is of course what you eat. How you eat. How much you eat. And how you feel. On that note, in celebration of my 47th birthday, I'm giving you 47% OFF my subscription plans until end of play Monday.Use the code MIKKI47 for this awesome deal on my FLOW (fat loss plan for women), my Man Plan (fat loss plan for, you guessed it, men), my real food plan and my athlete plan. Find these options here and use the code MIKKI47 (it IS case sensitive)Also - because I like to share what's on my mind... here's 47 things I've been thinking about.Eating: is always ‘opportunity cost’ Most people need to eat more proteinSome women are afraid to eat meat for fear of gaining weightThere are good and bad foods, and eating them doesn’t make you a good or bad personIt’s not enough to eat one of those steam locked bags of vegetables at dinner and call it ‘good’Weetbix shouldn’t be a meal. Neither should toastSometimes ‘good enough’ isn’t actually good enough - to reach your goals you have to do betterYou can’t get everything you need from foodThe people that take notice of the ‘eat less red meat’ messages are those that need to eat it the mostMost people could do with eating less carbs20g of protein in a meal is not a high protein mealMost people under-report the amount of alcohol they drinkFor most people, they don’t need to be perfect, they just need to be consistentDon’t rely on one source of truth for your nutrition adviceGetting your nutrition advice from someone whose course was a week long is fine, until something goes wrong.Why call it a ‘cheat meal’ if you’re only ‘cheating’ yourselfIf you have toast for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch, you need to rethink your nutrition strategyThose small tins of tuna/salmon are not a high protein optionMost people have an opinion on nutrition because they eat. You can’t be healthy at any size if you don’t exerciseThose snack choices on a short haul flight are unnecessary and you don’t need to be eating a cookieIf you care about your cholesterol, cut down on your carbohydrate intakeNot everyone needs to lower their saturated fat intakeIn nutrition, there are people and organisations who have an agenda that isn’t related to your healthRed meat isn’t high in saturated fat, actuallyMost processed food doesn’t contain saturated fat as it’s quite expensiveIf you don’t exercise, you aren’t healthy, even if you are leanYou don’t need to be entertained by every single mealFamily history is a big predictor in a lot of disease-states, however your genes are not your destinyIt’s never too late to changeBe wary of anyone who speaks in black and white, and won’t change their opinion in the face of new informationCardio is really important for your heart and long term health and it’s wise to do that alongside your resistance trainingMuesli bars/granola bars aren’t a good snack choiceIf you live in NZ you need to take a vitamin D supplement and you need more than the dose that we are allowed to sellMost people don’t need to snack, but athletes could do with that fourth eating opportunityThe iron supplement you get from your doctor is not the only choice for ironWhy are there ‘kids menus’ at restaurants?Your high blood pressure is as likely linked to a high carbohydrate load as it is your salt intakeSome women train just fine fastedFor some people, intermittent fasting is the best approach, even if they are womenFruit isn’t a health food for some peopleButter trumps margarineYour cholesterol level is less important than what your doctor thinks it isMost people need a magnesium supplement Keto for fat loss is not a high fat dietYou can’t get fit by eating differently. You have to exercise‘Everything in moderation’ isn’t true for everyone Contact Mikki: 20% on all Nuzest Products WORLDWIDE with the code MIKKI at, or www.nuzest.comCurranz supplement: MIKKI saves you 25% at or off your first order