Prof Grant Tinsley: Body composition and intermittent fasting for active people

Mikkipedia - A podcast by Mikki Williden

Save 20% on all Nuzest Products WORLDWIDE with the code MIKKIPEDIA at, or www.nuzest.comThis week on the podcast. Mikki speaks to Dr Grant Tinsley about the accuracy of body composition scales, what is considered gold standard and how much weight we should put on the numbers that are provided by your at home bathroom scales versus the In Body that you might have at your gym. They also discuss intermittent fasting for active populations (including men and women). A great all around discussion for people wanting to understand their body composition data more AND for those interested in intermittent fasting.Grant Tinsley is an Associate Professor at Texas Tech University, the Director of the Energy Balance & Body Composition Laboratory, and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and Certified Sports Nutritionist (CISSN). He has over 150 peer-reviewed journal articles and abstracts, with his major research interests being sports nutrition strategies, body composition assessment techniques, and intermittent fasting in active populations. Grant can be found here at his website where there is a link to his research, and on Instagram here  Contact Mikki: supplement: MIKKI saves you 25% at or off your first order