The Nutritional Prescription: Enhancing Immunity with Dr. Rod Mulgan

Mikkipedia - A podcast by Mikki Williden

Save 20% on all Nuzest Products WORLDWIDE with the code MIKKIPEDIA at, or www.nuzest.comThis week on the podcast Mikki speaks to Dr Rod Mulgan, medical doctor, lawyer and author about preventative medicine. They discuss the modern diet, and how it is devoid of nutrients that help support immunity. They discuss the term hidden hunger, and how this relates to  topsoil and the nutritional content of our foods. They delve into gut related health and so much more.Aged-care doctor Dr Roderick Mulgan has a long-held interest in preventative medicine, with a research focus on inflammation, longevity, immunity and the role of functional foods. He has been a doctor for a quarter century and is a Fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners. Over the last decade he has developed a multi-doctor practice that services aged-care facilities. His aged-care work led to an interest in the effect of lifestyle choices on well-being and in particular (unusual among mainstream doctors) the evidence that novel foods and supplements promote long-term health. This led him to consider how the major debilitating diseases of the middle and later years evolve, and what can be done about them. He is the author of three books related to these topics Build Your Immunity For Life, examines the role of lifestyle and diet in boosting immunity and protecting against infection. In addition to these two books The Internal Flame: New Insights into Silent Inflammation, and Eat Yourself Health. He is also a practising lawyer at Rubicon Chambers.Books In profile article Contact Mikki: supplement: MIKKI saves you 25% at or off your first order