How to achieve a daily satisfying poo - Anna Thompson

Move it Mama - The Sparkle Pod - A podcast by Move it Mama, Lisa Fong, Jessica Mizzi, Charlotte Twigg - Wednesdays


Anna's been listening in on a few of our latest episodes and couldn't help but suggest we continue on with our poo chat - however his time with a bit more direction and a focus! So in today's episode we welcome back our pelvic health guru, Anna, to discuss all things poo. What makes a good poo, what variability in your poo means i.e, mini babies versus chicken nuggets (gross visual I know), what to do when your poo doesn't work for you, why a sudoku book (or your phone) and a squatty potty might be deemed useful resources, and why all of this poo chat is even important in the first place. We understand this conversation might be a little off-putting, and so highly recommend choosing to do something other than sitting down for your lunch while listening (although it isn't descriptive the whole way through)! But - what may sound a little gruesome for your ear holes is absolutely worth the listen in order to debunk the world of poo and for us to strive for a better, healthier self. Thanks to Anna - always such a helpful and giving resource to the Move it Mama world (and listeners, we promise to rid the poo topic from hereon-in - as much as possible lol). Thanks again for being here.