Observing others & living in the past - can we not?!

Move it Mama - The Sparkle Pod - A podcast by Move it Mama, Lisa Fong, Jessica Mizzi, Charlotte Twigg - Wednesdays


Most days we feel some level of overwhelm. Whether it's both the physical and mental to do list combined or just the frankly relentless stimulation that comes with day to day life - most days, we experience periods of complete and utter overwhelm (and we know we're not the only ones). In today's episode we're inspired by a quote on the calendar on Leece's wall. At this time of year especially, we're inundated with all sorts of information about habits, ways to make it 'your year', endless self-improvement strategies, guidelines and so on. So how can we deal with this overwhelm, and HOW on EARTH do we STOP observing and comparing ourselves to others when we can now do this so easily and frequently, through social media? We don't have the answers by any means but in today's episode we enjoy taking a moment to reflect on what we're feeling, how we're dealing, and what we might be able to do to combat these feelings or habits that are in most cases not actually at all helpful, but in fact, somewhat harmful. We hope you enjoy being back with us - thank you for listening and downloading The Sparkle Pod. If you're not yet a member, Leece reckons you should join us, 'cos Move it Mama is amazing - LOL. X