Rigmaroles, aunty love and mum guilt

Move it Mama - The Sparkle Pod - A podcast by Move it Mama, Lisa Fong, Jessica Mizzi, Charlotte Twigg - Wednesdays


Can we preface this episode by saying - we take a while to warm up. Turns out that perhaps our little hiatus didn't work as well as we hoped because we're a little pushed for mojo at the start of this! However, we're here and for whatever it's worth, we're on some rampage of a mixed bag kinda debrief. From Char and Tommy (though that story will be left for her to tell when she's next available), the love of an aunty, a trip to Cambridge, mum guilt and the day to day challenges in balancing the juggle, as well as all sorts of other bits and pieces. Not forgetting the bit about our most recent Move it Mama news... want to workout with us off Facebook? We've now got you covered and we're excited. We love you for listening to us and thank you for all your downloads. Leece & Jess x