The Infinite Game in Negotiation with Dr. Josh Weiss, Ep #363
Negotiations Ninja Podcast - A podcast by Mark Raffan
When people think of negotiation—especially in Western cultures—they often think in finite terms. In a finite game, the rules are fixed until there’s a winner. In an infinite game, the rules change during play. It’s done so to bring as many people as possible into the play. The purpose of the infinite game is that things aren’t just about transactions or deals but revolve around a higher purpose. How does this apply to negotiation? It’s about the relationship you develop with the people you’re negotiating with. The higher purpose isn’t a singular deal. Your next best customer is continuing to do business with the current one. When you’re thinking in infinite game terms, that’s the angle you take. In this episode of Negotiations Ninja, Dr. Joshua Weiss shares more about how to embrace the infinite mindset in negotiation. Once you do, it changes the way you view everything. Listen to the episode to find out why! Outline of This Episode [2:24] Learn more about Josh Weiss [4:09] What is the infinite mindset? [7:50] Is there room for both mindsets? [9:30] Is there resolution in an infinite game? [14:25] Improving your adaptability in a negotiation [17:50] Three ways to measure adaptability [29:27] Check out Josh’s children’s books Resources & People Mentioned Dr. McFiddle’s Brilliant Book of Creative Conflict Potions and Other Magical Things Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek The Art of Negotiation by Michael Wheeler Good to Great by Jim Collins 3 Ways to Measure Your Adaptability Connect with Josh Weiss The Book of Real-World Negotiations: Successful Strategies From Business, Government, and Daily Life Connect on LinkedIn Connect With Mark Follow Negotiations Ninja on Twitter: @NegotiationPod Connect with Mark on LinkedIn Follow Negotiations Ninja on LinkedIn Connect on Instagram: @NegotiationPod Subscribe to Negotiations Ninja