Are you following conventional wisdom with your adult ADHD?

Overcoming Distractions-Thriving with ADHD, ADD - A podcast by David A Greenwood


Conventional wisdom would have adults with ADHD believing that we need to follow a specific path to manage and thrive with adult ADHD. But as you may have uncovered by now, following conventional wisdom and accepted and unquestioned principles, is often not the best path to thriving with adult ADHD. Jeff Copper from DIG Coaching is back to discuss the concept of conventional wisdom and ADHD and how we can challenge certain thinking. Jeff talks about the book “Breaking the Rules” which can describe the theme of this discussion on the podcast. Oftentimes adults with ADHD need to break the rules and one great example is understanding that we cannot always fix our weaknesses. Accepting this concept can provide an opportunity for growth in our ADHD journey. Jeff and Dave discussed the importance of placing ourselves in roles that are a great fit. one example is choosing a career or a job that allows us to utilize our strengths. Jeff also indicates that the more clarity we have in our lives and and our daily habits, the more motivation we can experience. Managing our ADHD can be challenging at certain times in our lives but Jeff and Dave cautioned everyone not to fall into what Jeff calls a sea of strategies. We must stop drowning in the latest greatest strategy or technique to manage our adult ADHD. Do you want to learn more about challenging conventional wisdom and ADHD? This is a great discussion with Jeff and Dave. Find Jeff and Attention Talk Radio on his website. If you want to work with Dave for coaching and mentorship, go to