Building confidence in an online world-ADHD or not…
Overcoming Distractions-Thriving with ADHD, ADD - A podcast by David A Greenwood
Many of us have been thrown into a brand-new way of doing business during COVID 19. From online meetings, networking on Zoom, prospecting in the sales profession, and even conducting online presentations, many of us have had to adjust the way we do business in this new digital world. Some of us could use a little confidence building in this area and that's what this podcast is all about. Confidence in an online world. If you have listened to Overcoming Distractions the Podcast before you know that not every episode solely revolves around ADHD. And this is one of those episodes. Everyone including those of us with ADHD could learn a little bit about how to conduct ourselves online, and make ourselves actually look good and impressive in this video type Zoom world we're all living in. Alyssa Dver from the American Confidence Institute takes us through many topics in this discussion that may make us a little uncomfortable but will help us work those online meetings and presentations a little better. We talk about the social skills surrounding conducting business in an online world. And in all honesty, we have a little bit of fun. We talk about the things that make us uncomfortable online or lose interest in online meetings and presentations can we talk about some of the things that we have both seen that people may do and may not be aware of that they are embarrassing themselves in these online settings. Alyssa takes us through how we should prepare for that Zoom networking event or that online presentation. And by doing so she helps all of us build more confidence conducting business online and through video platforms. At the end Alyssa gives us a preflight checklist on what to do an what not to do in preparation for an online video meeting. You can find Alyssa and the American Confidence Institute here: