How to use your strengths and follow your passion as an entrepreneur with ADHD
Overcoming Distractions-Thriving with ADHD, ADD - A podcast by David A Greenwood
If you want to learn and understand how successful entrepreneurs who just happen to have ADHD thrive in life and in business, you're going to want to listen to this episode of Overcoming Distractions the podcast. This episode Dave interviews Greg McDaniel a real estate guru located in California. Greg is prominently featured in Dave's book Overcoming Distractions and talks about life as an entrepreneur as well as growing up with a less than favorable relationship with schooling. Greg is a top real estate agent in California and now trains other real estate agents to be successful in their business. Greg talks about how important his routines are as a thriving entrepreneur with ADHD, the power of positive thinking and going for what you want in life, and not letting the little things get in your way. Greg talks about a positive mindset and what it takes to crush it in business as a person with ADHD. Greg talks about many of the strategies and tactics that helped him be a successful entrepreneur. He talks about journaling, writing down his goals, making sure he has a positive mindset, exercise, and just having a positive outlook on what he wants to accomplish as a businessperson. Many adults with ADHD make great entrepreneurs. And after you listen to Greg McDaniel, you'll understand why this entrepreneur has been so successful in the real estate business. Greg is high energy, a disciplined entrepreneur, and you'll be able to learn a lot about how he has been able to thrive in business and in life. You will begin to understand what is possible as an adult with ADHD. Greg wraps up the interview with his tips for starting, growing, and thriving in the business world. And Greg also tells us why people on House Hunters freak out when they don't see a double sink in the bathroom. You will be entertained, and you will laugh. Find Greg here and connect;