2. Women’s Health Physio Emma Brockwell on pelvic health and exercise
Postnatal FAQ - A podcast by Abby Hollick
Emma Brockwell is a fantastic women’s health physio on a mission to help women strengthen their pelvic floor after birth. This is one of the most reassuring episodes, that Abby wishes she’d been able to hear when she had her babies. Emma tells Abby why it’s essential to do pelvic floor exercises to avoid common issues such as prolapse, leaking urine and painful sex. She talks Abby through the exercises and gives some useful tips for women in the very early weeks straight after birth. Emma stresses how important it is to see a GP and ask for a referral to a women’s health physio if you’re experiencing any unusual discharge, perineal pain, low back pain, tummy gap, painful sex or leaking urine. She also warns of the danger of getting back into high impact exercise too early and suggests that women use an organic lubricant to make sex easier after birth, and to take the pressure off and have intercourse only when you’re relaxed and ready. Follow us on Instagram: @postnatalfaq Follow Abby on Twitter @abbyhollick Links: Emma Brockwell’s website - https://physiomum.co.uk Pelvic Roar - https://www.pelvicroar.org Holistic Core Restore by Jenny Burrell - https://www.holisticcorerestore.com Mutu - https://mutusystem.com Squeezy app - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/squeezy-nhs-pelvic-floor-app/id700740791?mt=8 APPI Pilates - https://appihealthgroup.com Body Control Pilates - http://www.bodycontrolpilates.com/shop/ Return to running guidelines - https://www.running-physio.com/postnatal-guide/