An eight-step discovery process to help master the customer experience - Interview with Edwin Margulies of Nextiva
Punk CX with Adrian Swinscoe - A podcast by Adrian Swinscoe

Today’s podcast is with Edwin Margulies, Chief Evangelist at Nextiva, a provider of a unified customer experience management platform. Edwin joins me today to talk about his new book, Mastering the Customer Experience, why it was over twenty-five years in the making, the eight-step discovery model at its heart and how it can help companies execute and deliver better experience outcomes. This interview follows on from my recent interview – Pandemic maths and measuring all of marketing – Interview with Gregory Kennedy of Alembic Technologies – and is number 525 in the series of interviews with authors and business leaders who are doing great things, providing valuable insights, helping businesses innovate and delivering great service and experience to both their customers and their employees.