Everyone can create a 'Genius Bar' customer experience - Interview with Gary Ambrosino of Timetrade

Punk CX with Adrian Swinscoe - A podcast by Adrian Swinscoe


Today’s interview is with Gary Ambrosino, President and COO of Timetrade. Gary joins me today to talk about the the work that they are doing helping a number of top banks in the USA transform their in-branch customer experience, how every retailer can now deliver a ‘Genius Bar’ experience and what retailers can do to reduce the affects of 'showrooming'. This interview follows on from my recent interview: Scaling up excellence is not a footprint problem but a mindset problem – Interview with Huggy Rao – and is number ninety-nine in the series of interviews with authors and business leaders that are doing great things, helping businesses innovate, become more social and deliver better service.