Season 13 - Episode 37: Trauma and Negative Thinking

Heal Within - A podcast by Evette Rose

Trauma Is The Root Cause of Negative ThinkingIt’s easy to fall into a negative mindset and difficult to find our way out. But why does this happen? A lot of the time, it can be traced back to trauma – either big or small. Here’s how trauma can lead to negative thinking:📌Fear & AnxietyThose who have experienced traumatic events often struggle with fear and anxiety. This fear may then manifest itself in an inability to relax and enjoy life, making it harder for them to be happy and fulfilled. Additionally, these feelings of fear can create a troubling cycle where the sufferer is constantly expecting the worst-case scenario – leading them to think negatively about themselves and the world around them.📌Feeling Of PowerlessnessDue to past experiences, traumatized individuals may feel as though their lives are out of their control - which could cause them to believe that nothing they do will make a difference. Without any sort of hope or faith in a positive outcome, it’s no wonder that they might start thinking negatively about everything they encounter!📌Self-Criticism & Low Self-EsteemAs a result of feeling powerless, those who suffer from trauma tend to be extremely self-critical as they expect nothing but perfection from themselves. This extremely high level of pressure leads them down a dangerous path where every mistake is seen as evidence that they are not good enough; impacting both their mental health & relationships with others greatly!📌Difficulty Connecting With OthersTrauma survivors may struggle to build meaningful connections with those around them due to trust issues caused by past experiences. This can further exacerbate feelings of loneliness which – when combined with all the aforementioned points – likely leads to even more negativity over time.It is important for us all to remember that there is always room for healing; talking through our issues with someone we trust or seeking professional help can make all the difference in overcoming our traumas and restoring balance in our lives!