149: IE Series, What Making Peace With Food Really Means with Taylor Chan MS RD
The Lane 9 Podcast - A podcast by Alexis Fairbanks and Heather Caplan RDN
Intuitive Eating Series, Principle 3. Taylor Chan, MS RD, best known as @foodandfearless on Instagram, joins us to talk about ending the war on foods, and making peace with our food choices and preferences. This is the principle where people get hung up on the “eat whatever you want” semi-myth, and we do our best to dispel that, but also support it. It’s nuanced, and also comes with a big dose of privilege and food accessibility. We hope this conversation helps you (and your clients) navigate making peace with food. An article that may help: “If you eat whatever you want—what if all you want is ice cream?” on EatingWell.com And remember, what you eat doesn’t change who you are. Interested in discussing your thoughts & questions from this episode? Join us in the new pop-up RD Real Talk Facebook group, and get the weekly newsletter! Follow Taylor and her work: foodandfearless.com and @FoodandFearless on Instagram. Pre-order your copy of Intuitive Eating, the book’s 4th Edition! Thanks to our episode partner, Marci Evans MS CEDRD-S, and her online training institute for dietitians! Enter to win one of Marci’s valuable resources—Nutrition Counseling for Eating Disorders, Body Image Counseling for Dietitians, or an hour of supervision with Marci—by entering your name and email on MarciRD.com/RDRealTalk. Winners will be announced in June! Reach out anytime: RDRealTalk at Gmail.com Leave a rating or review on Apple Podcasts! Your Host: Heather Caplan RD | HeatherCaplan.com , @RDRealTalk (IG) More about the RD Real Talk Intuitive Eating Series & Resources: http://heathercaplan.com/intuitive-eating-podcast/