Build Your Plan Challenge - Day 1 replay

Real Life Runners with Angie and Kevin Brown - A podcast by Angie and Kevin Brown - Thursdays


Join us live for the Build Your Plan challenge this week. It’s not too late to sign up! Head to  Welcome to Day 1 of the Build Your Plan Challenge!  Congratulations on taking this step away from that cycle of frustration and moving towards improving your running and becoming the real life runner that you want to be! As working parents of 2 girls, Kevin and I understand what it's like to try to fit your training into your already busy lifestyle, let alone try to make and follow a plan to improve.  It can all feel very overwhelming sometimes.  If you're like a lot of runners we work with, you know you want to achieve your running goals, but maybe you just aren't sure how to get there.   But if we're being honest, we didn't always have this figured out.   We both used to live by the "no pain, no gain" mentality, working out everyday, eating "clean", going to bed late and getting up early to train.  We thought we were doing the right things, until it all came crashing down.  For me, it was a back injury that left me unable to pick up my kids or be the mom I wanted to be. For Kevin, it was a series of 3 seizures that the doctors couldn't explain.  Our bodies were failing us, and we weren't sure why. It was then that we decided there had to be a better way.  We realized that being fit is not the same thing as being healthy, so we had to figure out a way to support both.  Our running and fitness were important to us, but not at the expense of our overall health.  So how could we support our overall health while still chasing our running goals?   We realized that we had to personalize our plans, in a way that was right for each of us as individuals. I needed a plan that was right for ME, MY body, MY goals, and MY lifestyle, and Kevin needed a different plan that was right for HIM.   We stopped doing all of the things that we were "supposed" to do, and instead figured out what was right for each of us.  We created our own individual plans, that included things other than just running, to help us get stronger and healthier, and become faster runners in the process.   This is what we are going to show you this week.   Over the next 5 days, we will do this by helping you to understand how to train with purpose and prioritize the things that will actually move you forward.  We will help you understand how to listen to your body, how to assess where you are right now, and how you can customize a plan for YOU to move forward and achieve YOUR goals! We have helped hundreds of runners overcome frustration, self-doubt, and lack of progress, so they can run faster and longer without constant setbacks by using customized training plans, coaching, education, and community, because running should make you feel strong and accomplished, not burnt out and broken.  And now we get to help you!  So on to Day 1!  Focus of the Day: AWARENESS Today, it's all about bringing awareness to where you are and what has gotten you to this point right now. Many runners don’t actually know their current level of fitness and set goals with the wrong timeline, which leads them to take on a training load that they’re not ready for.  This can lead to injury, constantly feeling sore or achy, runs not feeling good, inconsistency, and lack of motivation because you are training at a level above what you are currently capable of.  You need to know where you are, so you can make a plan that works for you now that will allow you to move forward without injuries and setbacks. Remember, where you are now is a result of the choices you have made to this point.  There's nothing good or bad about this place, it's just where you are starting from right now. This is just about awareness. Try not to judge yourself here.  You're here for a reason, and the goal is to move forward.  We have to know where you are so we can move ahead. Remember, if you do just one thing this week that you wouldn't have done without this challenge, that's a win!