Build Your Plan Challenge - Day 2 replay

Real Life Runners with Angie and Kevin Brown - A podcast by Angie and Kevin Brown - Thursdays


Join us live for the Build Your Plan challenge this week. It’s not too late to sign up! Head to    It’s Day 2!  Just the fact that you are here means that you are an ACTION TAKER, and if there’s anything I know from all my years of coaching - Action Takers get results! Just showing up and being willing to try something new is the best first step to achieve anything in your life.   Yesterday was all about bringing AWARENESS to where you are right now and what has gotten you to this place.  Before we move ahead, it is critical to get very clear on this, break it down, own it, and take responsibility for it.  And remember, taking responsibility is not the same as blame.  It means recognizing that the results that we have in our lives are a reflection of the thoughts and beliefs we have chosen and the actions that we have or have not taken.   That's the best news ever because that means if you want a different result, you just have to choose to think and act differently!  If you missed yesterday's training session, you can catch the replay on the Day 1 Challenge page here. If you’ve performed the running and strength tests, you also have a good idea of where you are right now.  Many frustrated runners think that running is just about running and that to get better as a runner, you just have to run more.   They don’t realize that you need to have a plan that includes other things besides running that will help you achieve your goals.  This often leads to those aches and pains that always seem to act up when you start to increase your mileage, or those nagging injuries that don’t seem to go away even after time off. One of the most important factors that we need to include as runners is strength training.  We need specific muscles to support us as we run, and when there are weaknesses in these areas, many runners end up with aches, pains, and injuries. We will be talking more about this in our live training today.  Let’s move on to Step 2 of building your training plan…   DAY 2: INTENTION  Today we are going to dive a little deeper into your thoughts, your goals, and your why.   So many frustrated runners don’t realize the power that their thoughts have over their running. They think that running should feel hard to be effective and that pushing harder is the way to get faster.  Most of their runs feel moderately uncomfortable, and they just try to push a little harder to try to get better.     Unfortunately, this leads many runners to stop improving or to lose motivation.  They don’t enjoy running most of the time because it doesn’t feel good.  They feel like they should go for a run, but they are just so tired that they can’t find the energy to go because they know it’s going to feel hard. They keep searching for that elusive runner’s high that they hear about but just can’t seem to find.  They often think that they aren’t improving because they aren’t doing enough or aren’t pushing hard enough. This way of thinking about running can completely halt your progress.     We also see many people set a goal that they don’t feel connected to or that is not clearly defined.    They know they want to get faster, but what does that actually mean? How fast? In what distance? A faster 5k? A faster marathon?    This can lead many runners to feel like they’re never where they want to be, because that goal is never clearly defined. There are very different ways to train for different goals, so your goal must be specific so that you know how to train and you know when you actually achieve it.    Everything we do is controlled by our thoughts.  Today, we’re going to show you how your thoughts drive your actions (or inaction), and your actions lead to your results.  The way you think about your running and your goals determines the results you have now, and they also determine what is possible for you in the future.