#40: Can I still honor my hunger if I've gained weight?
Recovering with Danie | Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast - A podcast by Danie van Kay | Licensed eating disorder recovery coach - Mondays
If you still need to gain weight, honoring your hunger may be a means through which you do so. But what if you've already gained weight? Do you ever have to stop honoring your hunger? Will your forever gain weight by honoring your hunger? If you're scared of either of those things, tune in to todays episode, in which Danie discusses all these questions regarding honoring your hunger (and more!) and gives you the motivation you need to really listen to your body unconditionally. The new, exclusive, offer has been launched! You can learn more and sign up here! If you would like to have more information, check out my Instagram page @Daniellevankay and feel free to send me a DM with a question. If you’d like me to cover a certain topic on this podcast, send me an email to [email protected]. Or check out my website for additional support https://www.danievankay.com.