#46: Eating induced hunger & night hunger
Recovering with Danie | Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast - A podcast by Danie van Kay | Licensed eating disorder recovery coach - Mondays
In this week's episode, Danie discusses two types of hunger that may confuse you when you're in recovery. Because why do you get hungry when you eat?! And why is your body screaming for lots of energy when you're going to bed (a.k.a. 'resting')? As you may suspect if you've listened to a few episodes already, this is not because your body is dumb or confused. There's a perfectly logical reason for it, and honouring both types of hunger is extremely important for your physical and mental hunger. So tune in to understand why this happens, how to 'solve' it, and how to make it easier on yourself! The new, exclusive, offer has been launched! You can learn more and sign up here! If you would like to have more information, check out my Instagram page @Daniellevankay and feel free to send me a DM with a question. If you’d like me to cover a certain topic on this podcast, send me an email to [email protected]. Or check out my website for additional support https://www.danievankay.com.