#60: Bite size ep "Gaining weight on a low intake"
Recovering with Danie | Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast - A podcast by Danie van Kay | Licensed eating disorder recovery coach - Mondays
So, you decide to take the plunge: You start eating a little bit more. To see if what everyone tells you, "that really won't make you gain any weight", is true. But then... you do?! If you've ever experienced this, you may have assumed your body is broken and there's a good chance your eating disorder has used it as a reason to stay. Today, however, Danie wants to challenge that idea, and rather than using fear like your eating disorder does, she uses science to explain why you may gain weight on a low intake, why that doesn't mean your body is broken (on the contrary), and why it isn't the end of the world, like, at all... Tune in to get some science-backed truths in a bite-size chunk you can use to kindly shove your eating disorder out the door. My new program The Mini recovery Bootcamp has been officially launched! Spots for July have already been filled up, but there's one more spot available for September. So if you're considering it - take your chance! You can learn more and sign up here. Moreover, the Recovery Bootcamp is coming back in October! If you would like to have more information, check out my Instagram page @Daniellevankay and feel free to send me a DM with a question. If you’d like me to cover a certain topic on this podcast, send me an email to [email protected]. Or check out my website for additional support https://www.danievankay.com.