#66: Will I develop Binge Eating Disorder after having had a restrictive ED?
Recovering with Danie | Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast - A podcast by Danie van Kay | Licensed eating disorder recovery coach - Mondays
One of the most frequently asked questions has been: "Will I develop Binge Eating Disorder after having had a restrictive ED?", and as it turns out, it's not just people with eating disorders who think they will, but Google seems to think the same thing. In today's episode, Danie discusses the science behind these claims, and why binging/feasting during recovery does not mean you'll replace one eating disorder with another. In fact, binging/feasting during recovery (and after!) can get you from quasi recovery to life without an eating disorder. My new program, The Booster Intensive, is launching soon! Besides this program, I've got some other programs as well. If you are interested in working with me, feel free to take a look at my website and sign-up or contact me. You can also find me over at Instagram at @Daniellevankay and can always send me a DM with a question.