#86: Gaining weight without the presence of extreme hunger & chronic discomfort PTSD
Recovering with Danie | Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast - A podcast by Danie van Kay | Licensed eating disorder recovery coach - Mondays
In today's episode, I talk openly and candidly about my experience with chronic illness, stress/PTSD from my chronic illness, and about my own current weight gaining journey. If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably seen my start of my weight-gain journey that I recently embarked on, after some unintentional weight loss. While I absolutely despised and feared weight gain when I had an eating disorder, nowadays I'm actually excited about it! There's been a lot of growth mentally. However, gaining weight post eating disorder does come with it's own challenges - in the absence of extreme- and mental hunger, it's definitely a whole different experience. Listen to this episode for some words on what weight-gain and body image can look like after an eating disorder, and get inspired! If you want to see the non-triggering content I post on my weight gain journey, be sure to follow me on instagram at @Daniellevankay. Feel you need more help recovering from your eating disorder? Whether you struggle with anorexia, bulimia, OSFED, or other (un)diagnosed disordered eating issues, I'm here to help! Just recently my new program, The Booster Intensive, launched. Besides this program, I've got some other programs as well, and free spots from February 2024 onwards. If you are interested in working with me, feel free to take a look at my website and sign-up or contact me. You can also always DM me on Instagram!