ugh v-day.
REGARDLESS™ - A podcast by Skylar Sorkin - Mondays

hey guys… happy valentine’s day… or maybe not-so-happy valentine’s day. i think we can all agree that, relationship or not, valentine’s day kinda sucks. there’s a lot of pressure surrounding it—whether it’s having the perfect date, the perfect sex life, the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend, the perfect gift, and so most of you know, valentine’s day feels a little different for me this year since i’m going through a breakup. but, that’s not what i want this episode to be about. i have more energy to pour into creative projects and personal growth, and to me, that’s something worth this vday, let's flip the script, rewrite the narrative, and celebrate ourselves—because regardless of your relationship status, love is something you can create within yourself. this episode is all about tapping into your community and your inner self to cultivate the companionship and joy that we often seek from others. so buy yourself some roses, write yourself a love letter, and do whatever makes you happy because you deserve it, babe. MAGIC MIND:limited offer you can use now, that get’s you up to 48% off your first subscription or 20% off one time purchases with code REGARDLESSBYSKYLAR20 for 48% MORE REGARDLESS? → Sign up for our Newsletter:→ Follow us on Instagram:→ Follow us on TikTok:→ Website coming soon: https://www.regardless.coFOLLOW SKYLAR: PRESS:→→ by Regardless™ & in partnership with The Los Angeles Tribune Podcast Network