Athletic Greens: Poison Punch or Healthy Super Drink?

Run, Selfie, Repeat - A podcast by Kelly Roberts

Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Oh, and while we’re here to give you the answers google won’t, self-worth is sold separately, and happiness not included. Poison punch. It’s toxic. It’s everywhere. And it’s making us all sick. It’s the diets, the weight loss teas and programs, workouts, and superfood powders that say they’re selling health. Or the supplements, creams, prescriptions, makeups, treatments, and procedures that promise to make you look younger and yield you unconditional love. And it’s all the apps, pop-ups, fads, people, retreats, and goop that cost a fortune but guarantee a better version of you. Poison punch is the 70+ billion dollar industry that profits off you looking in the mirror and thinking, “I’m fat, old, tired, and ugly”. Poison punch is everything you're being told and sold to fix problems that (spoiler alert!) don’t actually exist. There’s no way in hell the diet and beauty industries are going anywhere. Poison punch is here to stay. And while we might not be able to rid the world of poison punch, we can change our relationship to it. Join hosts Kelly Roberts and Kayla Reynolds M.S. every week as they figure out what’s poison punch, what punch has traces of poison in it, and what’s actually true. If there’s one supplement that’s blown up over the past year, it’s Athletic Greens. It seems like every influencer -- from triathlete or wellness blogger to fashion influencer and mom -- is promoting it. So one of the most common questions we get is: Why is Athletic Greens everywhere these days? Will it improve my performance? Should I take it? Is it poison punch? This week we’re breaking down Athletic Greens and demystifying this product that claims to do just about everything to supercharge your life. We deep dive: What Athletic Greens and how much it costs The toxic (and unrealistic) image that they are selling Claims that Athletic Greens are making -- everything from improving liver and hormone function, to supporting gut health and digestion How the claims they make are not proven but are instead based on the “mechanism of action” of the nutrients rather than studies proving the claims Why they’re targeting the already “healthy” and why most people who use it probably won’t benefit from it Reasons why some people feel so good taking it How superdosing nutrients just makes for really expensive urine and makes your body work so much harder Some recommendations that they make that are flat out wrong We recognize that behind every single diet, program, product, or anything else there are people — people who are trying to feel good, get answers, find love, and feel happy. People who are targeted, or rather preyed on, by the industry. Our goal is not to tell you what to do. Our goal is to help you put your curiosity goggles on and make choices that are informed and empowered. Tune in as we break it down! Follow Kayla on Instagram Follow Kelly on Instagram  Follow the Badass Lady Gang on Instagram Join our free online community! Find out more about the badass lady gang