BALG Guided Run: Shorty, Spicy Ladder

Run, Selfie, Repeat - A podcast by Kelly Roberts

If you follow the Badass Lady Gang Instagram account, which hello if you don't, go follow @BadassLadyGang. BUT, because we can't run together physically, I have been creating weekly workouts for the BALG to play with so that you don't have to run alone. Today’s workout is ACTUALLY recorded live so it’s all over the place. ENJOY THE CHAOS! Today, we have a short spicy ladder! 30 seconds of spice, 30 second recovery, 45 seconds of spice, 45 second recovery, 1 minute of spicy, 1 minute recovery, 90 seconds of spice, 90 second recovery. Then, we move back down the ladder with 1 minute of spice, 1 minute recovery, 45 seconds of spice, 45 second recovery, and finally, 30 seconds of spice, 30 second recovery. 10 minute warm up and cool down that is up to you! You can walk. You can run. You can walk and run! Just listen to your body. This workout is for runners of all athletic levels so if you're on day 1, you're going to have just as much fun as a runner looking to run their face-off. Have fun and don't forget to share your post-run sweaty selfies with the #BadassLadyGang hashtag!