Episode #160: Sub 4:00 Redux with Mary Margaret
Running Rogue - A podcast by Chris McClung
In this episode, I bring back episode #83 guest Mary Margaret to discuss her quest for the elusive sub 4 marathon. She came on in July of 2018 to discuss that goal and to get some coaching from us on it. At the time, she planned to break that barrier in Twin Cities in October 2018 which did not happen as planned. We talk about that disappointment and her continued quest to get there including another attempt this fall. Did she get the goal? How did she get there? We talk about that and more! Here are the links referenced in the show: Podcast training sign ups: www.roguerunning.com/podcasttraining Kara Goucher article from Women's Running: https://www.womensrunning.com/2019/11/profiles/kara-goucher-changing-course_103244 SI article on Megan Rapinoe: https://www.si.com/sportsperson/2019/12/09/megan-rapinoe-2019-sportsperson-of-the-year Women's Running article on the women of NAZ Elite: Not linked online yet, but I will post here when it's up!