425. Consistency Struggles? The Surprising Mindset Change You Need!
Self Care Simplified - A podcast by Megan Dahlman

So often when life gets complicated our healthy habits are the first thing to go out the window. So how do you stay consistent in the face of life’s ups and downs? Listener Jessica was having this exact problem: “I've missed so much of my workout plan recently due to travel, having a new puppy, unexpected doctors appointments, the list goes on. I really do want to make this a priority and want to try again, maybe start over. Even though I know the program is less than 15 minutes a day, what mindset change do you think I need to make to be more consistent this time?” Let’s give this one to the expert! Monica Packer is the host of the podcast “About Progress” and a coach to countless women that need help getting practical and realistic about their habits. In this quick episode, Monica will give you quick tips on how to maintain consistency even when life is anything but consistent! More Resources & Links Learn more from Monica Packer at www.aboutprogress.com Listen to Monica’s extremely popular podcast About Progress Need help getting started! Get Megan’s FREE 5-Day Jumpstart Tips guide! The Jumpstart 30 Program for Beginners Follow Megan on YouTube Follow Megan on Instagram Ask Megan your burning question here