How to LOVE and be HAPPY (FUTURE OF WORK #21: Dylan Ali)

Skills for Mars - A podcast by Iulia Istrate


#skillsformars #happiness #breathworkOn this episode hosting Dylan Ali, we shift the discussion from industries and skills to something that we believe is extremely important for everyone - happiness, wellbeing, seeing the light through the chaos of every day. No real change can happen without being able to sit down, breathe, reflect, sift through the noise, truly understand what drives you, and gives you the positive energy that you can then share back with the world through your actions.Dylan is the "Happiness Guru". He is a coach, helping others to find the missing link towards building a vision so vivid and filled with excitement that life seems to make an abrupt stop and course correct!I loved our discussion, I hope you do too :)If you want to learn more about Dylan or get in touch, here is how you can do it:- you are interested in the Future of Work - subscribe to Skills for Mars: Support the Skills for Mars podcast? or (register, follow & support podcast)- LinkedIn @skills for mars- Facebook @skillsformars- Instagram @skillsformars- Twitter @skillsformarsFor more information on Iulia Istrate: