Fibre: The Unsung Hero of Digestive Health

Strength Renewed - A podcast by Mikki Williden and Jess Dibiase - Tuesdays

Contact Jess:
Jessica DiBiase

Coach, Kettlebell Trainer for over 15 years, Founder of @kettleguard and Kettlebell World Champion

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Contact Mikki:
Mikki WIlliden PhD

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In this conversation, Mikki and Jessica delve into the complexities of colon cancer symptoms, the critical role of fiber in the diet, and practical ways to incorporate fiber into meals. They discuss different types of fiber, their benefits, and how fiber can aid in hormonal balance and digestive health. The conversation is filled with personal anecdotes, practical tips, and a focus on making healthy eating accessible and enjoyable.


  • People often experience colon cancer without symptoms.
  • Asymptomatic cases of cancer raise concerns about early detection.
  • Fiber is essential for digestive health and can reduce bloating.
  • Different types of fiber serve various functions in the body.
  • Insoluble fiber helps move things through the digestive system.
  • Kiwifruit is particularly effective for relieving constipation.
  • Managing fiber intake can improve overall well-being.
  • Psyllium husk is a powerful fiber supplement.
  • Fiber plays a role in hormone regulation, especially estrogen.
  • Healthy eating should be simple and achievable.