1. Tobias Schuler's 2018 Contest Prep | WNBF Pro Men's Physique Athlete | How to Win a Pro Card (Science-based Natural Bodybuilding)

Swole Radio - A podcast by Bill Wong MD

Tobias Schuler is a natural bodybuilder and science-based bodybuilding coach from Calgary, Canada. In this episode, he shares details from his 2018 prep when he won his WNBF pro card in men’s physique.    We discuss the following aspects of his prep:   1:14 prep length  3:36 starting/ending macros  5:26 macro drops  7:14 refeeds  10:33 cardio  14:01 changes for this prep  17:41 training  20:34 strength/volume decreases  21:41 anything to do differently  23:11 diet, low calorie snacks  28:15 crazy prep story   Tobi’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/tobisfit/ For coaching: https://tobiasschuler1.typeform.com/t...  -------------------------------   Check out my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AskDrSwole Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/dr_swole  -------------------------------   How to lose fat: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...  How to set up a workout plan: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...  How I prepare for a bodybuilding show: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...  -------------------------------   About me: I'm a medical doctor and natural men’s physique athlete based in Vancouver, Canada. I seek to share science-based perspectives to help people lose fat and gain muscle. These will reflect the current expert consensus in the scientific bodybuilding community. I‘m lifetime drug-free and have been training for 6 years.   -------------------------------   Disclaimers: Consider seeing a physician to assess your readiness before beginning any fitness program. Information presented here is to be applied intelligently in the individual context. I do not assume liability for any loss incurred by using information in this content.