55. Eric Helms: How to Train Chest, Back, Arms, Shoulders

Swole Radio - A podcast by Bill Wong MD

@helms3dmj is back on the Swole Radio Podcast to discuss optimal training for the upper body! We cover chest, back, arms, shoulders, traps, and abs . Stay tuned for part II when we cover the lower body 👌🏼 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #backworkout #backtraining #backday #lats #mensphysiquepro #promensphysique #drswole #swolenation #igbodybuilding #fitnation #fitfam #bodybuilder #fitnessmotivation #wnbfcanada #wnbf #naturalbodybuilding #nattygains #swoleteam #bulking #physiqueathlete #bcfit #vancouverfitness #vancouver #vanfit #vancityfitness #yvrfitness #doctor #ubc #md