8. Dr. Mike Israetel: Periodization for Bodybuilding (Macrocycle Design, Rates of Gain, Minicuts)

Swole Radio - A podcast by Bill Wong MD

Here I interview Dr. Mike Israetel from Renaissance Periodization on advanced periodization for bodybuilding. We dive into how to set up your training year for optimized hypertrophy as a bodybuilder. 1:42 Units of time in the training year 6:12 Hypertrophy blocks and progression of variables between mesocycles 15:33 Differences in volume from mesocycle to mesocycle 19:02 Resensitization and active rest phases 32:15 Length of massing phases 34:57 Optimal rates of gain 42:05 Frequency of minicuts and fat loss phases 44:12 Why Mike does what he does Renaissance Periodization: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfQgsKhHjSyRLOp9mnffqVg Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/c/AskDrSwole?sub_confirmation=1 My e-books: https://askdrswole.com/ Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/dr-swole-merch ------------------------------- Follow me on social media: INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/dr_swole FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bill.wong22/ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@dr_swole/ PODCAST (Swole Radio): https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/swole-radio/id1492784385 ------------------------------- About me: I'm a medical doctor and natural men’s physique athlete based in Vancouver, Canada. I seek to share science-based perspectives to help people lose fat and gain muscle. These will reflect the current expert consensus in the scientific bodybuilding community. I‘m lifetime drug-free and have been training since 2012. ------------------------------- Disclaimers: Consider seeing a physician to assess your readiness before beginning any fitness program. Information presented here is to be applied intelligently in the individual context. I do not assume liability for any loss incurred by using information in this video. ------------------------------- #MikeIsraetel #Hypertrophy #NaturalBodybuilding