Good Conflict

Take Out Therapy - A podcast by Rebecca Hunter, MSW - Fridays


Think conflict is bad? Think again! This episode of Take Out Therapy flips the script on conflict, showing it as a tool for growth and connection. Learn why avoiding conflict can be harmful, how to spot the good in it, and how to use it to build stronger relationships. Plus, get a sneak peek into the Take Out Therapy Club's deep dive on conflict resolution! Ready to unlock emotional safety and empower your voice? Tune in now and grab your free 30-day trial with code LISTEN24. Let's grow together, conflict and all! **Links and Resources** FREE DOWNLOAD- Break free from the grips of overthinking, manage stress effectively, and create a more fulfilling life for yourself. To access your free guide, simply click HERE.  Website: Try a Session!  Join the Club Get 30 Days FREE With code LISTEN24