132 Why I'm Going to PT

The Body Nerd Show - A podcast by Alexandra Ellis

It's super helpful to have outside eyes when you're trying to solve a tough problem. Which is exactly why I'm currently seeing a physical therapist. First it was mid back tension for a few weeks. Then it was an ache in my hip. And then tension on the entire right side of my torso. When all my best tools and tricks only brought temporary relief - I booked a consultation with a physical therapist. And no shocker here - it's really been helping! In today's episode, I'm peeling back the curtain on why I'm currently in PT. You’ll learn:' Why I'm currently going to physical therapy The #1 reason you should book an appointment with a PT And three things that will keep you out of pain for good once you're done All the links: 30 days to more strength + flexibility with the Mobility Mastery Toolkit Movement Mavens has the tools and strategy to support you on your path to enjoying life without pain - www.aewellness.com/mavens www.aewellness.com/podcast - Show notes, links and more. Join the free Body Nerds FB community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/aewbodynerds/ Come hang out with me on Instagram @hollaformala : https://instagram.com/hollaformala/ TikTok @ aewellness Bodywork Starter Guide - learn the 6 places you need to roll right now for quick-relief, plus the reason why what you’ve tried so far has only given you a temporary fix. Download the guide for free now at www.aewellness.com/bodywork 818-396-6501 is the Body Nerd Hotline - how do you build consistency and/or where are you getting stuck? Drop me a line and let me know your body nerd hacks - you might just hear your voice on a future episode!