The C. O. W. S. Compensatory Call-In 06/03/23 #AlvinTheAlbino
The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble
The Context of White Supremacy hosts the weekly Compensatory Call-In. We encourage non-white listeners to dial in with their codified concepts, new terms, observations, research findings, workplace problems or triumphs, and/or suggestions on how best to Replace White Supremacy With Justice ASAP. This weekly broadcast examines current events from across the globe to learn what's happening in all areas of people activity. We cultivate Counter-Racist Media Literacy by scrutinizing journalists' word choices and using logic to deconstruct what is reported as "news." We’ll use these sessions to hone our use of terms as tools to reveal truth, neutralize Racists/White people. #ANTIBLACKNESS This week marked 102 years since the White Terrorist Purge of Tulsa, Oklahoma. It's estimated that approximately 300 black people were killed during this event. Excavations continue in this area to reveal the extent of the carnage. One on the black Victims (Viola Ford Fletcher) wrote a book (Don't Let Them Bury My Story) on these events that's set to be published next month. Some of this may be drowned out by the kickoff to Gay Pride Month. In places like Gus T's Seattle, Washington, this is a big deal. They had so much chatter about the new AI overtaking humanity and the ChatBot's daily evolution and theft of jobs, Gus experimented with one of the bots. It wrote a fabulous haiku about the Terrorist attack in Tulsa. The bot was ignorant about Adderien Murry - the 11-year-old shot in Mississippi last month after calling 9-1-1 for help. #DeepInTheHeartTexas #AudubonBallroom #TheCOWS14Years INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 605.313.5164 CODE: 564943#