The C. O. W. S. Compensatory Call-In 10/15/22
The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble
The Context of White Supremacy hosts The Context of White Supremacy hosts the weekly Compensatory Call-In. We encourage non-white listeners to dial in with their codified concepts, new terms, observations, research findings, workplace problems or triumphs, and/or suggestions on how best to Replace White Supremacy With Justice ASAP. This weekly broadcast examines current events from across the globe to learn what's happening in all areas of people activity. We cultivate Counter-Racist Media Literacy by scrutinizing journalists' word choices and using logic to deconstruct what is reported as "news." We’ll use these sessions to hone our use of terms as tools to reveal truth, neutralize Racists/White people. #ANTIBLACKNESS The Los Angeles Times kicked off this mid-October week with the "worst fears" of black Angelenos: "black vs latino." For the moment, we'll ignore the flagrant absurdity of such a post, as millions of people classified as black are also accurately classified as "latino." See Lupita Nyong'o. We are in a System of White Supremacy/Racism. Which means, throughout the known universe it's: White vs. (and over) Non-white. Gus never sees the LA Times or any other White dominated media outlet make it this explicit about Racism when it involves individuals classified as White. The LA Times posted many highly visibly reports about the so called "latino" council members who disparaged black people. Gus predicted their would be an increase in these type of campaigns to have non-white people focused on and in conflict with each other. Meanwhile, the tiny, global minority of Whites are ignored. #WhiteVersusNonWhite INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 720.716.7300 CODE 564943# #TheCOWS13 INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 720.716.7300 CODE 564943#