The C. O. W. S. Dave Cullen's COLUMBINE Part 4 #Uvalde

The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble


The Katherine Massey Book Club @ The C.O.W.S. hosts the 4th study session on Dave Cullen's COLUMBINE. The April 20th, 1999 Colorado High School shooting resulted in 15 casualties - including the two White shooters. Eric "Rebel" Harris and Dylan "VODKA" Klebold used firearms and bombs to slaughter their classmates before taking their own lives. This massacre inspired school shootings around the world, changed law enforcement's rules of engagement, and remains one of the most significant events of the last 30 years. Harris and Klebold were allegedly fascinated with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. They carried out the attack on Hitler's birthday and a mere 4 years after Timothy McVeigh's bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building - which was on April 19th, 1995. The White teen duo apparently had contact with enforcement officers well in advance of the shooting. Importantly, this week's session is the same week as the first year since the Uvalde, Texas school shooting where a gunman killed 19 students and 2 teachers. Once again, a delayed police response is substantial point of conflict. Speaking of which, we learned more details about the police and SWAT teams slow (cowardly?) process of entering Columbine High School to free the students. Sheriff Stone, and many members of the White press originally got key details of the murders wrong - including the number of deaths. Isaiah Shoels' parents were comforted by a group of White "evangelicals" once it was revealed the teen was deceased. At this point, readers are only aware that Shoels is one of the few black students in the school. We have no information about how he was killed. We also get more details about how Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris's White parents and classmates cooperated with or withheld information from enforcement officials. And we heard how law enforcement already knew about this criminal tandem. They had police records and had already threatened to kill. #NaturalBornKillers #TheCOWS14Years INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 605.313.5164 CODE: 564943#