The C. O. W. S. Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf's In the Blink of an Eye Part 4 #Starvation
The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble
The Katherine Massey Book Club @ The C.O.W.S. hosts the 4th study session on Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf's In The Blink of an Eye. Abdul-Rauf, formerly known as Chris Jackson, is a retired NBA player who became infamous for not participating in the national anthem during the 1996 season. Abdul-Rauf was quickly ejected from the league and all but forgotten. In fact, White journalists found as many of Abdul-Rauf's black co-workers as possible to have them criticize how he responded to White Supremacy/Racism. This very dynamic is being replicated currently with basketball player Kyrie Irving being widely admonished by many of his non-white colleagues. Gus hopes that by studying Abdul-Rauf's tribulations, non-white people will better understand the importance of resisting the urge to criticize other Victims of Racism. Last week, Abdul-Rauf described his brilliant college basketball career. He scored buckets by the bushel and refused to take sass from a behemoth LSU freshman named Shaquille O'Neal. Importantly, Abdul-Rauf detailed how Shaq's father, the late Sergeant Philip Harrison, was heavily involved with his son's basketball development and talked the White coach often. This is in stark contrast to the "father hunger" we've heard about throughout this memoir. We also heard about an extraordinary episode where Abdul-Rauf attended a White Louisiana church, and a Suspected Racist child spoke in tongues while placing hands on the college hoops star. This and other questions led to his conversion to Islam. Apparently, Coach Dale Brown (Racist Suspect) gave his top black player a copy of Minister Malcolm X's autobiography, and this radically changed how Abdul-Rauf thought about, behaved around, and spoke to individuals classified as White. He also details his journey to completely eliminating his reliance on prescription medication to control Tourette Syndrome. #HankGathers #Hunger #TheCOWS13 INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 605.313.5164 CODE 564943#