The C. O. W. S. Mário Filho's The Black Man in Brazilian Soccer Part 10 #CharcoalDust
The C.O.W.S. - A podcast by barneygumble
The Katherine Massey Book Club @ The C.O.W.S. hosts the debut 10th study session on Mário Filho's 1947 The Black Man in Brazilian Soccer, translated to English by Jack A. Draper III. Brazilian football (soccer) legend Pelé died near the end of 2022 at the age of 82. His transition along with the disgraceful hooliganism displayed when former President Jair Bolsonaro lost the presidency to Lula da Silva, motivated us to read this book. Since most non-white people have not traveled to South America or studied Brazil, this seems like a great time to do some south-of-the-equator learning. Our last study session saw the continued trend of Filho minimizing the abuses of White Supremacy in Brazil. He consistently talks about the progress of black players and skin color not mattering to fútbol fans. All the while, we continue to hear about the kinky hair of non-white players. We also hear more about black and non-white soccer players refusing to cavort with their White teammates after ball games. Filho casually mentions that fans threatened to "lynch" star player Leônidas Da Silva for being an insolent, shameless, dirty negro. Gus thinks it's important that no context or explanation is provided for the concept of "lynching." It's assumed that Brazilian readers are "experts" on lynching black people. The violence and hooliganism of Brazilian soccer fans has also been consistent and unpunished throughout this text. #Rio #WhiteBallGames #TheCOWS14Years INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 605.313.5164 CODE: 564943#